Hymns were a means by which people were brought into direct contact with the Gospel that brought justifying faith. Set to music, they could readily memorize it, take it home with them, and rehearse its messages around the hearth and at work.
Does God Care Whether We’re Good or Bad?
We conclude our discussion of Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. If Christians live in enemy territory, as Lewis writes, how does that affect the defense of our faith? Do we have free will, and why would God give us free will if he knew we’d eat from Eden’s tree? What does conscience have to do with our relationship with God and one another?
God commands we serve only Him. We serve Him with all we have and all we are, including the 90% of our income which does not go in the plates. What does it look like to serve God above money?
The reign of God in Christ compels us to pray for all in authority, while at the same time our praying for them calls into the question all the idolatries that arise from the exercise of this authority.