Modernism (7)
  1. Leper Messiah. In this episode, we read Bo Giertz’s commentary on Jesus’ healing of a leper and Cornelius’ servant… boy… slave boy. Giertz addresses textual criticism, catechesis, miracles, and the liturgy of the Church, and we delve into the effect of disbelief in Jesus’ power to heal and make whole affects modern Christians and non-believers alike.
  2. The Metaphysics of Modern Worldviews
  3. Who's Afraid of Deconstruction? with Bruce Hillman
  4. Dr. Paulson refutes the charge that Luther is the origin of an ever secularizing culture.
  5. Jesus is a real person talking to you and feeding you, which is beyond intellectual Christianity!
  6. Kids - you'll never know the freedom of "come home with the streetlights on". But don't worry, be nostalgic for the Gospel of Jesus!
  7. In order to shore up wavering faith commitments, both for the disciples and for us today, Jesus used His actions during a day’s worth of ministry to evidence the hard truth about His Messianic identity.