Natural Law (7)
  1. Nature ends in stinging judgment from its Creator.
  2. Despite the fact that this could sound strange to modern ears, Luther has an important reason for saying what he does about the Commandments.
  3. Aquinas would craft a systematic theology that did with the matter of faith what Aristotle had done with the natural world.
  4. In his last novel, Islands in the Stream, Hemingway shows us what we get when we look to nature for ultimate truth: death.
  5. All our little laws reveal that we are, by nature, trying to justify ourselves before others, and before God, based on what we do and who we are.
  6. Barth's ideas resulted in a movement known as neo-orthodoxy, sometimes called dialectical theology, theology of crisis, or simply Barthianism.
  7. In the public square, concerning public law, policy, and moral norms, debate is best carried out not with reference to that special revelation unique to a particular religion, but by appeal to that natural knowledge of the law possessed by all (even while recognizing human attempts, often successful, to suppress it).