New Testament (1298)
  1. At the close of what we see as impossible commands, Jesus leaves His disciples with a picture of God’s impossible love made possible in Him.
  2. Death is a planting, but every planting has a purpose: More life than you could ever imagine.
  3. The words of Jesus are hard words for us to hear today, especially in America. They call us to question our lifestyle choices, to turn from our pursuit of happiness, and to experience the gift of grace.
  4. Both preachers and hearers are susceptible to a practical Sadducee-ism, which removes the proclamation and confidence of the bodily resurrection from the regular life of Christ’s Church.
  5. Peter asks Jesus to please go away. But Jesus is the God of surprises and, rather than go away, He comes closer.
  6. The edifice which the Church is being built into has a purpose: To be a dwelling place for the Spirit of God, a place of encouragement and consolation, of revelation and knowledge, of catechesis, and worship.
  7. What is the word? "Love" is the word.
  8. Jesus will return in glory to bring the fulfillment of God’s grace to all. Until that time, however, we are given one day in the life of Jesus and comforted by the multi-faceted nature of God’s grace.

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