Old Testament (980)
  1. A dead son is found alive and through reconciliation God’s salvation changes everything for the brothers and for the entire world.
  2. Those who trust in the Lord are not anxious when drought comes because they have the roots that run deep from the tree into which they have been transplanted.
  3. God’s holiness is both law and gospel. His holiness not only threatens sinners, but it also makes them holy by the forgiveness of sins.
  4. Jeremiah is purely passive in our passage and only receiving. This is the perfect spot to be in when you are receiving God’s Word.
  5. King David had to flee for his life because his son Absolam was trying to kill him.
  6. To the Teaching and the Testimony!
  7. For those who have wandered away from the community of the faithful, coming back can be filled with both fear and joy, both shame and redemption. Our text for today is no exception.
  8. Our lives have enough turbulence and struggle.

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