Old Testament (8)
  1. Kelsi is joined by Sandra Richter to discuss the portrayal of women throughout the Old Testament before honing in on the story of Deborah in Judges 4-5, specifically.
  2. In this bonus episode, Chad Bird joins Kelsi in person to discuss his newest book, ⁠Hitchhiking with Prophets: A Ride through the Salvation Story of the Old Testament⁠, which is out next week!
  3. Join Kelsi as she chats with 1517 Scholar in Residence, Chad Bird.
  4. Join Kelsi as she talks with 1517 Executive Director, Dr. Scott Keith, about how to interpret the Bible, specifically those really confusing, shocking, and tough texts.
  5. God uses the unlikely, the unexpected, and sometimes even the unsavory to deliver us and to crush the heads of his enemies