Parables (127)
  1. Matthew 20- “Nunya Business!” Is not God free to generously give His grace--and indeed everything that is His--to whomever it pleases Him to give?
  2. The Crazy Old Man showers undeserved grace on the idiot son . . . oh, and the prodigal son gets some love, too.
  3. “What must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus answers that question with a parable. We have our own question: “Who am I in this parable?” But a better question is “Who is Jesus for me in the parable?”
  4. What is a "Parable" and why does Jesus seem to speak in such mysteries? Your hosts Pastor Troy Neujahr and Pastor Craig Donofrio explain this Jesus way of communicating to you and for you.
  5. Alright, it may not change your life, but we had fun doing this one. Troy is glad that he is not like Craig. Craig is glad that he isn't like Troy and the Pharisee is glad that he isn't like the tax collector. Join the boys as they talk about Thanksgiving and Luke 18:9-14.
  6. Jesus knows your name. Whether you’re a boy named Sue or a beggar named Lazarus, the God who named that forgotten man has not forgotten you.
  7. We still think that if we just teach people to "be good" we are getting them closer to God, which is like saying if only this dead person could be propped up to exercise, he would start moving again.
  8. Stop and be enveloped by the unending grace of Christ and his beautiful teachings that touch every corner of life.
  9. I’d say that one of the best depictions of God’s grace comes from a well-beloved and world-renowned children’s fantasy novel, that being C. S. Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
  10. I love the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector. So much is communicated in those few verses.
  11. At this time of year a lot of emphasis is placed on being good. Elves on Shelves everywhere are watching our behavior and snitching to Santa, who is making up his all important list of those who have been naughty and those who have been nice.
  12. The following is an excerpt from Scandalous Stories: A Sort of Commentary on Parables written by Daniel Emery Price and Erick Sorenson (1517 Publishing, 2018).

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