Pauline Epistles (117)
  1. This is a word of comfort, because it assures us that even when our words fail, our heart can rest secure, and even when our heart doubts, we can still speak the simplest three-word creed: Jesus is Lord.
  2. Death is a planting, but every planting has a purpose: More life than you could ever imagine.
  3. Both preachers and hearers are susceptible to a practical Sadducee-ism, which removes the proclamation and confidence of the bodily resurrection from the regular life of Christ’s Church.
  4. In this episode of Tough Texts, Scott Keith and Daniel Emery Price explore the complex topic of apostasy, addressing the anxiety it causes among believers.
  5. The edifice which the Church is being built into has a purpose: To be a dwelling place for the Spirit of God, a place of encouragement and consolation, of revelation and knowledge, of catechesis, and worship.
  6. Even as this chapter is so well known that it may lead eyes to glaze over, perhaps it is appropriate to preach it on a day which is not a wedding.
  7. Each member finds their value, worth, and identity from the same inexhaustible source: The grace-drenched water of baptism which splashes every living body just the same.

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