Pauline Epistles (99)
  1. God will use the thorns and Satanic agents, as opposed to spiritual exercise programs, to fix our eyes on Jesus, not to move past Him.
  2. Paul’s endurance substantiated and authenticated his ministry as being “of God” in ways not unlike other Christian witnesses and martyrs.
  3. With the resurrection of the Christ the mystery of life after death became a lot less mysterious. It moved from the realm of conjecture and fantasy to a reality grounded in (of all things!) our human bodies
  4. Eyes which are fixed on what is unseen will see the entire world in a different way.
  5. There are some commentaries preachers ought not be without. One of those is Mark Seifrid's commentary on 2 Corinthians!
  6. The Church’s suffering will bring with it a stronger faith in Christ and a bolder proclamation to a world in need of the life Christ alone can give.

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