Pentecost (60)
  1. It is the humble who will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. Or, as Jesus said it elsewhere in Matthew: “The poor in spirit are blessed because theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.”
  2. Joshua is not offering Israel a choice. Really, he is giving them an option which is a “non-option.”
  3. The great Gospel comfort in our text is that the Lord is not through with us either, and He will not let us die or despair. Instead, He provides everything we need for our journey in life through His Word and Sacraments.
  4. Though we are nothing and weak in this world and counted as naught, God has graciously given us all things in Christ.
  5. Here is your sign, the Son of God who took the Law and gave you the Gospel by His saving death and resurrection.
  6. After pronouncing judgment on these wayward shepherds, God promises to shepherd His people Himself and then to raise up under-shepherds over them.
  7. The message of Amos comes home to us as we reflect on the prosperity in our land, our good life, our comparative comfort which are no guarantee that God looks favorably on our ways of living.
  8. God’s Word is not merely information to be conveyed about ideas. No, the proclaimed Word of God is powerful, effective, active, and it has the ability to bring about the reality it was sent to proclaim.
  9. Lamentations bids us to keep this in mind, that we always have hope when we hope in the Lord.
  10. Job is given something so much more comforting than an explanation: He is assured of God’s nearer presence.
  11. Ultimately, God’s plan is not just for nations and politics. His plan is one of salvation, seen ultimately fulfilled in Christ.
  12. In order to find hope, you would have to run a marathon through your Bible to find where God reverses the curse on another tree!

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