Jesus called Peter to be a fisher of men so more people would be caught up in God’s gracious love through Jesus. But Peter needs to remember he is also one who needs to be caught-up in the same grace.
The same Word which stepped out of eternity into created time in order to speak light and life into creation when all was void and formless, that same Word still speaks.
On the one hand, forgiving as Jesus commands us feels impossible. But on the other hand, forgiving as we have been forgiven is the most natural thing in the world
This is not just a pericope about hereditary sin and actual sins, nor is it providing a pattern for prayer. It is fundamentally about God our gracious Father and His promise to hear us, answer us, and provide for us.
But it is not always helpful to create tidy categories of good and bad and to say, “Stop being ‘a Martha’ and do a better job of being ‘a Mary.’” That is a dangerous sermon to preach. In doing so, we can fall into the very thing we see Martha doing.