Pentecost (75)
  1. At first, one might think bones would strictly be associated with death, but in the Old Testament the most significant references to “bones” are associated with life and even resurrection from death.
  2. In our text for today, here is the great prophet, Elijah, the same guy who God used in miraculous ways, hiding in a cave, scared to death.
  3. The LORD God is seeking after those who have not sought Him! He calls out to those who have not been called by His name.
  4. At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit is poured out and the language of man is united again for the Gospel to be preached to the ends of the earth.
  5. The Israelites had taken the Covenantal promise and the language of separation and interpreted them to mean the message of salvation and restoration was meant for only them. But this is counter to the reality of the Scriptures.
  6. This text arguably contains the clearest teaching concerning the bodily resurrection from the dead in the Old Testament.
  7. This is an extremely important chapter and it speaks to the motif of DEATH and RESURRECTION in a powerful way.
  8. The LORD your God is one—He is your LORD. Therefore, you may/can/shall live as His child, and this is what that looks like!
  9. The full effect of the Law had been visited upon God's people, but now the LORD will remember His people and return them to the land of promise and to Holy Jerusalem.
  10. A little or a lot, great is the joy of the child of God for the meaning of life is not defined by stuff, but rather by the cross.
  11. God will establish justice and righteousness even in the midst of the most uncertain and evil times. This we know because of the hope based upon the promise.
  12. Man and woman together are complete. Apart, they are incomplete. The two correspond and form “one flesh” when combined in sexual relationships and as helpmates.

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