Pentecost (75)
  1. This complaining is a rejection of the LORD and all He has done to rescue them, guide them, and provide for them as He leads them to the Promised Land.
  2. The “Lamenter” does not ask to carry out the vengeance/action himself, rather He trusts the LORD God to take care of business.
  3. We have a Servant who stands in/is a substitute for Israel. This is the One who will atone for the sin of Israel—even the sin of the whole world.
  4. The text gives beautiful imagery of the “waters of life” and how they will transform the dead and barren and bring new life.
  5. These statutes are a description of what the child of God looks like—how they walk, talk, teach, live, and have their being!
  6. Hypocrisy continues to rear its head as the formalistic worship and worshippers neglect their LORD and their neighbor.
  7. So many distractions—so many false and foreign gods—so many side paths and rabbit trails. What choice, what decision? Who will we follow?
  8. Instead of providing a way out, the LORD gave Elijah a way through, which included the calling of Elisha as his apprentice.
  9. The presence of the Glory Cloud at the presentation of the manna makes clear who is providing this meal.
  10. The rainbow is a sign of the covenant God is making with “all flesh which is on the earth” and to the coming generations.
  11. The LORD promises He Himself will gather up the remnants and they will prosper under His shepherding.
  12. In spite of the many issues of unfaithfulness, the LORD still refers to them as, “My people Israel,” pointing to the Covenantal promise.

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