Now... okay, so, angels as people, tell me about that. Walk me through it. Gillespie and Riley touch down on Origen's commentary on John's Gospel this week. They discuss martyrology, whether angels come disguised as people, and why it's important to let Scripture interpret Scripture.
I feel the need… the need for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ! In this episode, Gillespie and Riley jump back into another letter from John Hus. This week, they discuss Hus’ letter to the people of Prague, urging them not to give up hope in the midst of persecution.
Whether she realized it or not, this Egyptian woman was at war with the Lord of Israel. Her will was pitted against His will. Her desires were battling God’s desires. Joseph was caught in the crossfire.
In front of us, in the past, is the hill upon which God has already defeated every foe we might face. On that bloody beam the heel of Christ crushed the head of the lying serpent.
Which makes the question of prudence worth asking again: given the recent and strong Catholic attempts to defend a broad religious liberty, why all the implicit and explicit swipes at their potential Protestant allies?