Politics (37)
  1. Christ is always the ultimate for God's children, but we sometimes struggle with things that come before.
  2. One Christ rules over all of it. He is the constant, the root that nourishes every estate and every vocation.
  3. Salvation doesn’t hang in the balance of a voting booth.
  4. What the gospel does is take people who were enemies of God and transform them into lovers of God
  5. Despite the fact that this could sound strange to modern ears, Luther has an important reason for saying what he does about the Commandments.
  6. Regardless of background or beliefs, every American I talk to seems on edge, as if the sky were about to fall. But the sky is not falling.
  7. Paul is writing as a man who has already lived a life of law-keeping while denying the resurrection.
  8. When the church is a political actor, the gospel doesn’t have the final word.
  9. Only by faith in Christ are we truly awake.
  10. Finding the balance between indifferentism and obsessiveness has never been easy, and it’s especially difficult in our environment.
  11. So what, if anything, makes us different from those who are waiting on the grassy knoll in Dallas, TX? Can we be any more sure of our belief in the resurrection?
  12. We cannot scan any random passage of Scripture and automatically assume the words are unconditionally addressed to us. Often, very often, they are not.

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