Same Old Story.. In this episode, we read various Christian and non-Christian sources from the first two centuries, discussing their understandings of Jesus Christ, the church, law, and the Gospel, and the effect of the Christian faith on people in Roman society.
Street-Fighting Man. In this episode, we continue our discussion of the question of when it is permissible for Christians to oppose civil authority. It’s more important than ever for Christians to grasp the fundamentals of vocation, the relation of politics to liturgy, the place of the sacraments within the worship of the church, and the life of Christians, why there cannot be such a thing as a Christian nation.
We Worship & Adore… You? In this episode, we discuss the intersection of liturgy and politics as we read Oliver Olson’s essay, Politics, Liturgics, and Integritas Sacramenti. It’s a historical survey of liturgical practice and politics from ancient Israel to the present, discussing the importance of symbolism, meaning, and the purpose of liturgy for faith and life.
It’s Hip to Be Square. In this episode, we discuss the errors of high anthropology, the kingdom of God, theology of glory, theology of the world, realized eschatology, adding “isms” to Christianity, the necessity of the embodied Word of God, John’s gospel, Colossians, and real antinomianism while reading False Presence of the Kingdom by Jacques Ellul.
A spirit of timidity and a Spirit of courage.
In this episode, we conclude our reading of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s Live Not By Lies. What happens when the church chooses a spirit of timidity in order to spare itself affliction? Also, the sins of the fathers and the true meaning of sanctuary.
How Quickly They Forget. In this episode, we continue to read Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s Live Not By Lies. What happens when the church takes the easy path of learned helplessness?
Gag me with a spoon. In this episode, part two of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s essay, “Live Not by The Lies.” We consider herd mentality, our fear of standing up to unjust authority, and the secular indoctrination that infects the church.
Lies Taste Like Wonder-bread. In this episode, part one of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s essay, “Live Not by The Lies.” We discuss the two kingdoms, the need for Christ alone with no additives, and the importance of having an ethos.
Keep it Spiritual, Keep it Safe. In this episode, the conclusion to our discussion of Gerald Kennedy’s sermon, Communism in the Churches. Should churches mind their own business in regards to social and cultural matters? What happens when churches and Christian organizations avoid controversy in order to maintain the status quo? Does the Gospel have any power outside our churches’ walls?