Throughout the centuries and throughout earthquakes, famines, kingdoms falling and rising, God's Word has moved forward. Picking up pieces, people, lives, sins, and hopelessness only to turn them into diamonds through His Grace!
Sorry, racism, ethnic clashes, cultural differences, are nothing new to the world or the church. Listen to these fools talk about Galatians, racism, and Christianity. Also, a little Smalcald Articles on the Gospel!
Nuance, listening, patience, dialogue. These things seem missing as we analyze our problems in America! We get to speak with a former police officer and current pastor, Tim Barkett, to hear his take from the perspective of those who serve. Great interview.
It's ok to remember those who gave their life for their country and not remind them that Jesus did something greater just so they don't get a big head. You can tell them the Good News however! Sins forgiven - for free!
After slipping an orange rind into your Negroni, slip off your Weejuns, put your earphones on and enjoy a funny and frank discussion about Jesus, Michael Mann, and ex-communication! Special guest: Rev. Tim Winterstein
Don't let people convince you that staying home is heroic. Unless of course you are listening to Ringside while staying home! Than you, my friend, are an Erol Flynn! Luther on the Resurrection.