Prayer (12)
  1. Tanner Olson is a poet, author, and speaker. He has a book soon to be released with Zonderkids, on all the things we can pray to God.
  2. Oftentimes we interpret our prayers through the lens of our emotions, or our passion behind the prayers we pray. When those prayers aren't answered the way we want, we examine the level of passion, or our method of prayer, to see what needs to be fixed.
  3. Women's Retreat Weekend
  4. Everyone feels awkward praying. Performance anxiety and perfectionism can paralyze us in prayer. Praying is not about us, it's about Christ for us.
  5. Lenten Series at Cathedral Church of the Advent
  6. We join Rev. Bob Hiller for a discussion on praying the "right way," as well as what happens when we pray for other people.
  7. We invited back our friend, Pastor Bob Hiller, to talk to us about how to pray. Bob is also a co-host and the Lutheran perspective on the "White Horse Inn" podcast.
  8. "Ragged" written by Gretchen Ronnevik is now available for purchase from 1517 Publishing
  9. This is an excerpt from the introduction of Ragged: Spiritual Disciplines for the Spiritually Exhausted written by Gretchen Ronnevik (1517 Publishing, 2021), 122-125. Now available for preorder.
  10. We all pray for love. We all desire peace. We all want to have joy. It's patience that looks suspicious.
  11. Meditation is part of what C.S. Lewis calls the "baptism of the imagination." In Christ, we belong to him, all the parts of us--even our brain.
  12. Whether it is the awkwardness of praying aloud in a group, starting a prayer journal and then forgetting about it, using prewritten prayers, or having notecards, we often feel like we aren't that good or consistent in prayer.