Prayer (175)
  1. Mary, Martha and the Lord's Prayer.
  2. Wounded Prayers: Relearning the Language of Lament
  3. Wounded Prayers
  4. Sometimes believers vigorously debate God, sometimes they nod a silent Amen. Together, their narratives paint a picture of a life of faith characterized by complexity and tension.
  5. It seems too good to be true, and yet it is the truest of all truths. This is our God. This God sees and chooses to trample our sins under his feet.
  6. We long for the Great Thanksgiving that hasn’t happened yet.
  7. To pray that God’s name is hallowed among us is to pray for the continual proclamation of the gospel in truth and purity that we would hear the word about Christ crucified for sinners.
  8. David and Job both know that prayer puts a cigarette lighter to all prim and proper books of religious etiquette. It is honest. Heated. Emotional. Raw. And the psalms are packed with it.
  9. God broke into the midst of our pain and allows us to bring our requests to him as those who are counted as “godly.”
  10. Jesus gave His disciples the Lord’s Prayer as a gift. It’s really our prayer when you think about it.
  11. When Jesus spoke about mustard-seed-sized-faith that moved mountains, He wasn't making a quantitative statement as much as a qualitative one.
  12. The question is this: Is it possible to truly believe God will give us a desirable answer to our prayers, and at the same time be OK if He doesn't?

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