Preaching (59)
  1. John prepared the way for Jesus with his preaching and subsequent arrest and death. But then the plot flips and we find hope in the fact that Jesus prepares the way for John (and for us).
  2. Whatever the obstacle, whatever the response, whatever the lack of faith, whatever the personal rejection... Jesus kept on.
  3. Bearing fruit is what branches do. They do not bear fruit by themselves, but they do bear fruit.
  4. He knows the plight we find ourselves in and that there is no one who is righteous and no one else who is coming to save. Jesus says, “I know My own,” and He truly does love us.
  5. He lives. He eats. Maybe our new formal greeting on Easter should be: “Alleluia, Christ is eating! He is eating indeed, Alleluia!”
  6. John wrote so people would have faith in Jesus, so you would believe in Jesus, and that by believing, you would have life in His name.
  7. Wonder at the God who speaks and at the actual words He speaks. Be willing to walk away with a limp as well as a blessing.
  8. This text provides an occasion for you to teach and proclaim a broader picture of “the Gospel” as God’s saving work.
  9. Despite Nathanael’s pedigree, he still needed to have Jesus revealed to him. Apart from the Spirit’s work in creating faith, Nathanael would have been lost.
  10. In the season of Epiphany, we focus on the revelation of who Jesus is. From a clearer understanding of who He is, we will be in a better position to know who we are.
  11. More than Jesus being justified by His deeds, Jesus justified by His deeds. The deeds and work of His life actually justify and convey righteousness.
  12. It is not just a few words or a few questions coming at Jesus like a few drops of rain. It is the force of a people ready to revolt.

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