Preaching (158)
  1. Like needing to find a bathroom, the urgency of preaching the presence of God’s kingdom should be felt in the very inner being of every pastor. Not that anything has changed, but God is definitely demonstrating the vulnerability of sinners to the masses. The harvest is now!
  2. Even though it may appear otherwise, the LORD has power over all things, Heaven and Earth, and He has and will use that power to save His people.
  3. Christ is not only the fulfillment of the prophetic line, but He is also the NEW Moses.
  4. Jonah rejected his first call and job description and headed in the opposite direction . Now, after spending three days in the belly of the big fish, Jonah is called again.
  5. Samuel plays a very important role in preserving the line of Judah by anointing and instructing the first kings of the united monarchy—especially King David.
  6. Christ has come to make all things new, and water and the Spirit are used for His new creation just as it was for the original.
  7. The receiving and/or possessing of a gift, even one from God, is far different than putting it to use.
  8. The Lamb of God is stripped of His garment and sheds His blood on a cross to clothe us in robes of righteousness and garments of salvation—like a bridegroom who adorns himself and his bride.
  9. Not only is Jesus the New David, He is also the New Temple—the House and Kingdom! This is the throne that is everlasting.
  10. The words the Anointed One uses to describe His reign are very familiar ones: Preach to the afflicted, bind up the broken hearted, liberty for the captives, opening eyes, comfort and provide for those who mourn.
  11. Isaiah invokes beautiful imagery of the Good Shepherd who tends His flock, gathers His lambs in His arms, carries them in His bosom, and gently leads.
  12. The LORD God had promised He was coming, and they were certain there could be no better time for Him to fulfill His promise.

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