Preaching (24)
  1. You need an apocalyptic ‘decoder ring’ to figure out what is going on in Revelation.
  2. The sacrifice of Jesus stands completed, once for all, and we believe in the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.
  3. In the middle of the cosmic, creedal story, Paul places us, you and me, and all of those who belong by faith to Christ.
  4. Paul puts everything he has gained by his religious life and training (verses 4-7) onto the scales opposite life with Christ and finds a real bargain.
  5. Moses should receive honor, Jesus even more. Moses should be followed, Jesus even more. Moses should be trusted, Jesus most of all and above all else.
  6. Death is not the continuation of an adventure; death is being planted in the ground. The adventure belongs to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.
  7. The foundation of the faith Paul wants you to cling to is not an abstract principle, but a human body: the human body of Jesus, that once was a corpse, and now is alive forever more.
  8. Paul imagines a time when we are no longer immature children, seeking to show off spiritually, but instead demonstrating the maturity that comes from edifying others.
  9. When Jesus assumes the body prepared for Him to do God’s will, the end of an old era has arrived, and with it, the beginning of a new.
  10. Even though they have reasons to fear, the peace of God that transcends all other reasons now guards, patrols, and garrisons their hearts and minds.
  11. God is in control, and we are actively engaged in God’s work of saving the world.
  12. Preaching on this text isnan invitation to express love and longing in your relationship with your hearers.