Reformation History (7)
  1. "Faith Alone, The Heart of Everything" written by Bo Giertz and translated by Bror Erickson, is now available for purchase from 1517 Publishing
  2. Faith Alone is a translation of Bo Giertz’s second novel, which was originally titled Tron Allena.
  3. While most of his letters were written as semi-private counsel and consolation, some, like the “Letter to the Christians of Miltenburg” were written openly for public consumption.
  4. This is the sixth installment in our special series on Luther’s Heidelberg Disputation. Translation of Theses 11 and 12 by Caleb Keith.
  5. The victory of Christ is hidden in the crosses we bear as Christians following Him to our own personal Golgothas.
  6. History was one of dad’s favorite subjects and he shared his knowledge with infectious enthusiasm.
  7. So bondage meets freedom, and God becomes our Master through Christ.