Resurrection (7)
  1. The story of salvation is the true story of God doing his unexpected work of salvation for us.
  2. If the season of Lent is a journey, Holy Week is the destination.
  3. It is good to remember that this true story, is also beautiful.
  4. Jesus is the great Houdini of the grave for us. And through His death, He gives us the Great Escape from death that leads to the great joy of the Resurrection.
  5. On this night of nights, Christ arises victorious and sends the devil’s hordes running with no darkness to find cover; death’s dark shadow is gone
  6. In reality, Easter equals good news for you. And our world needs some good news. Maybe we’re not even sure what’s wrong, but we know this world is broken.
  7. There are several reasons why I nerd out when it comes to AMC’s The Walking Dead.