Paul thinks the consequences of Christ not being raised are worse for those who believe than those who never did if it were to be true Christ was not raised.
If it’s all a fiction spun by disappointed disciples, if it’s a mere symbol for the idea of an inner awakening, if it’s not a fact that Christ has been raised, then our grief and loss have no end, and we have no hope.
In this episode of Preaching the Text, John Hoyum and Steve Paulson examine John's account of Christ's appearance to the apostles after his resurrection.
Well that was a click-baitey title, wasn't it? But here's what we mean: Lutheran theologian and apologist Adam Francisco joins Craig and Troy as we discuss the importance of the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Caleb Keith joins Kelsi to discuss Christ's atonement and the most common theories of the atonement, including Substitution, Christus Victor, and Exemplar or Moral.