Salvation (11)
  1. The usual acclamation when one becomes King is: “Long live the King!” But this King of kings, this son of David, has come to die.
  2. If Jesus shows up and you are a sinner, ‘tis more blessed to receive than to give
  3. Ash Wednesday, is meant to remind us we have a death problem. All living things made from the soil shall return to it.
  4. Epiphany celebrates that we have not been left in our hearts’ cold darkness and this spoiled creation.
  5. There is a question often raised by Christians and even some theologians that is unanswerable: Why are some saved, and others are lost? While it might seem to be a good question, it is not. Let’s examine it more closely.
  6. Ashes and dust do not need the services of spiritual EMTs; we need a Second Adam from whom we regain life itself.
  7. Any conception that contends that Jesus only died for some sinners turns the gospel into an uncertain message for everyone.
  8. We are saved by grace, and strictly speaking, not by an offer.
  9. The Gospel predominates when hearers receive the saving gifts of Christ as God’s final word to them.
  10. You have suffered your son to come unto Jesus; but fathers, don’t let him die!
  11. What would be a fitting thing to give up, especially during the season of Lent?