Sanctification (160)
  1. I am not one of those people who can put together a jigsaw puzzle without using the picture on the box.
  2. I'm in the middle of a series on Paul's letter to the Ephesians.
  3. You cannot fudge Glory in this life. You get there only on the Better Day that is coming and not one day before.
  4. I was walking through a mall recently, and all the spring decorations and colors were starting to appear. It was refreshing to see the fresh colors and a change of scenery as I strolled through the mall.
  5. By Philip Melanchthon (from the 1535 Loci Communes), translated by Scott L. Keith, Ph.D., edited by Kurt Winrich
  6. We chase after status, wealth, luxury, glory, honor, youth, beauty, and pleasure. We work ourselves to death. For what?
  7. There are so many reasons why the Good News is such good news; but, for me, one near the top of the list is the relief of being able to tell the truth. It is so refreshing to be given permission to ‘call a spade a spade.
  8. To be justified means to be declared righteous in the forgiveness that is ours in the crucified Christ. It is a done deal, and by faith we have it all.
  9. If there was a proclamation of grace, it was an afterthought, given in the sense of “just in case anyone needs this.”
  10. A while back, I drove past my neighbor's house and right there in the street with the rest of the garbage were several golden trophies nearly half my height and still looking quite shiny and new.
  11. Here’s what lurks beneath this seemingly righteous behavior: they wanted to make a name for themselves, these tower-builders.
  12. Just how should we think about our good works in the Christian life of faith as we live that life before others... and before God?

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