Scripture (59)
  1. The Thinking Fellows are joined by Donavon Riley to talk about how Jesus is present and works through all the Scriptures. Inspired by the episode Scott and Donavon Talk About Everything, the Fellows cover OT prophecy and theophanies.
  2. For the past twenty years that I've been a Christian, I've not found any evidence in my reading of Judges 13-16 that qualifies Samson for the "book of faith" (Hebrews 11).
  3. I'm stepping - I'm stepping in it! What does it smell like? In this episode, Gillespie and Riley discuss Menno Simon's writing on faith, why prepositions matter, and the practical consequences of Gospel-law sermons.
  4. Now... okay, so, angels as people, tell me about that. Walk me through it. Gillespie and Riley touch down on Origen's commentary on John's Gospel this week. They discuss martyrology, whether angels come disguised as people, and why it's important to let Scripture interpret Scripture.
  5. Nicodemus, like us, does not really have phantoms and dragons in his head. He has just one demon, one virus, one malady: he lives in fear.
  6. If we get past Sunday School moralizing what do we discover in the Old Testament?
  7. I’ve always been more at home in the Old Testament than in the New Testament.
  8. God is for us in His foolish, scarred Word and Wisdom. Nothing is against us, nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.
  9. In Christ we are freed to be for our neighbor without fear of sin and damnation falling upon us.
  10. God's doing for us that gets done is Word and Sacrament stuff. Everything else flows from His speaking to us, baptizing us, bodying and bloodying us. Jesus sees our need.