Scripture (162)
  1. The presence of the Glory Cloud at the presentation of the manna makes clear who is providing this meal.
  2. The rainbow is a sign of the covenant God is making with “all flesh which is on the earth” and to the coming generations.
  3. The LORD promises He Himself will gather up the remnants and they will prosper under His shepherding.
  4. In spite of the many issues of unfaithfulness, the LORD still refers to them as, “My people Israel,” pointing to the Covenantal promise.
  5. Ezekiel is not called/sent out to be “successful” in his prophetic ministry—he is sent out to be faithful!
  6. In the overall context of Lamentations this text stands out as a breath of fresh air, or perhaps more accurately, words of relief after so much dismal lamenting!
  7. The fact that the LORD answers Job is a great gift of love and mercy, but He does not provide the answers Job seeks.
  8. God's new planting will keep the ancient Messianic covenantal promise alive and bring it to fruition.
  9. This is the first direct promise of the Seed who will reunite all mankind to God by defeating Satan on the Cross.
  10. Does Isaiah find himself in the Holy of Holies in the Jerusalem Temple, or is this taking place in the Heavenly Temple? Perhaps we might say the answer is “Yes.”
  11. There is no life when one is separated from the Promised Land because that will be the place where God will send His Messiah.
  12. Israel is all the people who believe in the LORD and gather at His throne. It is no longer a national distinction, it is one of faith.

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