Scripture (101)
  1. To base and entrust your life on what can be seen in this world is to commit oneself to unreality. The reality of things, indeed, the way, the truth and the life of the world is in what is not readily seen: Christ as Lord.
  2. Jerusalem, temple, and king, all three bespoke of Yahweh’s kingship, as well as of His Kingdom and presence on earth and all the blessings bound up with it.
  3. If you truly love the brethren, you will not grudge to help them in their distress.
  4. This faith bears fruit, but it may be fruit that turns upside down the world’s values.
  5. With the resurrection of the Christ the mystery of life after death became a lot less mysterious.
  6. Eyes which are fixed on what is unseen will see the whole world in a different way.
  7. The Apostle Peter’s monumental sermon on Pentecost declares the Kingdom purposes and divine saving work of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit which culminates in the new world order with Christ in charge.
  8. Pentecost is the event which jolts the world into taking note that something entirely new is taking place.
  9. If we humans willingly operate by the testimony of men in all sorts of matters, then how much more should we readily embrace the testimony of God concerning the death, resurrection, ascension, and rule of His Son?
  10. Love, as it pertains to divine qualities, is an unconditional love, love to the loveless and unlovable, divine love. God is agape. God is love.
  11. If Christ is the holiness, righteousness, salvation, truth, grace, resurrection life, eternal life, and perfection of God, then the spirit of the world is the antithesis of all those.
  12. Resurrection life is not something cast into the future. The future is now.

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