Small Catechism (58)
  1. Perms, and catechism. No, Gretchen and Katie are not going through middle school again, they are walking through the Apostle's Creed in Luther's Small Catechism.
  2. Only by faith in Christ are we truly awake.
  3. Take heart: God is near and he is here for you.
  4. In the place of God, Marx sets the material, autonomous, self-creating man.
  5. The list of things our kids need to know when they leave the house is much simpler than we might believe.
  6. God’s gifts, in turn, conform our minds to the mind of Christ, and catechize our imagination in the image of God’s Son.
  7. What Luther is doing in his Catechism is teaching how the gospel is an action of the whole Trinity, not just one of the persons.
  8. The Holy Spirit does what his name implies. He makes us holy. We believe in Jesus Christ, our Lord, and come to him only by the Holy Spirit who calls us with the gospel.
  9. Caleb, Scott, and Rod go through the Christian Questions and Answers section of the Small Catechism.
  10. The Thinking Fellows talk about Luther’s breakdown and examples of confession in the Small Catechism.
  11. Scott and Caleb move into the Catechism's explanations of the Means of Grace. Starting with Baptism, Luther follows Scripture to explain how God's Word and promises are delivered to us through ordinary means like water.

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