Sola Fide (14)
  1. Luther’s final thoughts were not meant to bum you out or lead you to despair.
  2. My one hope of not only entering a right relationship with God but also stepping into glory is the same: it’s Christ. It’s always Christ.
  3. Repentance means being cut down by the law’s declaration of judgment. It’s not an activity we do to prepare for grace, but a point of despair worked by God himself.
  4. Are people so different today? Is justification really irrelevant now? Is the preacher’s only point of contact with the life-giving Gospel a by-product of Microsoft’s word processor? I do not think so.
  5. I had been taught and believed in a God who is love, but as I walked outside that night I did not see him. I saw the stars and I felt their indifference.
  6. While 500 years is certainly something to be celebrated, to always focus on the anniversary number could run the risk of forgetting the true meaning behind the reason we remember the Reformation as an important period in the history of the Christian church.
  7. Christ is the answer to both the Who and the how of our extra nos salvation.
  8. In 1534, Melanchthon was invited to France to defend the Lutheran position to King Francis, who seemed to favor the Reformation.
  9. A Christian is justified—saved from sin, death, and hell—by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
  10. When it comes to faith, God runs all the verbs. God's Spirit calls us by the Gospel. He enlightens us with His gifts.
  11. Can one still find a church that teaches that Christianity, and the Christian life, can be summed up as: "We are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone?"
  12. What follows is a brief examination of each of these five theological slogans.

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