Suffering (144)
  1. God is a judge, but unlike you, God is just!
  2. Luther’s famous treatise contains great consolation for Christians struggling with grace, suffering, and hope.
  3. The Lord has an answer to your tears, your trouble, your weariness, your enemies, your grief, your shame, your sin.
  4. Press on, church. Yours is the victory through Jesus Christ your Lord.
  5. God can never really be said to be ignoring us, even if our experience with God at any given moment is that he is.
  6. In Christ, this world’s never-children are his always-children, because he isn’t a God of death, after all.
  7. Moltmann is gone now, but his theology will continue to provoke and provide.
  8. God does not give us an undebatable answer to suffering. Instead, God suffers, too.
  9. In our catastrophes - whatever they may be, however large or small they are - we cry out for rescue, deliverance, and salvation.
  10. Instead of a death sentence, those brothers hear the words of deliverance.
  11. The lack of history surrounding Psalm 130 allows it to endure as universally appealing even for our seasons of hopelessness and despair when we’re in “the depths.”
  12. For you who are struggling to navigate grief, to cope with pain, or breathe through anxiety, the gospel announces that there is a person whose heart throbs for you.

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