Teachings of Christ (7)
  1. The wicked and arrogant think they can prey upon the poor with impunity. Not so. Chad meditates on God hiding himself, it seems especially in times of trouble. Lament, interrogation of God and David’s frustration help us to see that though the work dis full injustice, God is closer than we think, and God invites us to cry and complain to Him. Izzi Ray sings “Why”
  2. God’s Son is infinitely more than our fragile egos have flattened him out to be.
  3. We're of little faith. Or rather, we have big faith, but it’s in something else. Our faith is in our ability to control situations, manipulate them to our advantage.
  4. These words sum up the whole person and work of our Messiah. Here is the Gospel in Hebrew.
  5. As God is prone to do, He sometimes shows us who He is through people whom we would never think of as teachers, much less imitators of God.
  6. He had a way with words, this Preacher, a way that well-nigh sent Him plummeting headlong down a nearby cliff. What got Him in trouble was quite simply telling the truth – always a dangerous activity, for men prefer that you lie to them, especially if the truth exposes them for what they are.
  7. The Bible of Jesus and the apostles was therefore the Old Testament. On the basis of these writings, they confessed the totality of who the Messiah is and what He does.