Teachings of Christ (6)
  1. The title “peacemakers” is not ours except as we tell and retell his peacemaking story.
  2. Blessed are we, for we are filled by the cornucopia of Christ’s righteousness.
  3. The only one rightful heir of the kingdom of God, inherits from us, our cross, and descends into the kingdom of the damned.
  4. The giver of life, the source of joy, stands weeping together with the human family as they grieve under the curse of sin.
  5. “Poverty of spirit” is not an ethical value we strive for. It is an act of God’s mercy spoken to the deepest recesses of our soul when it’s overwhelmed by God’s grace.
  6. The only one truly blessed of God, who in himself is God’s incarnate makarios, surrounds himself with a multitude of the accursed, the non-makarios.