The Cross (30)
  1. One key to unlocking the significance of Golgotha is found all the way back in Joshua--in a "round" Hebrew word, a bizarre story about reproach, and five kings hiding in a cave.
  2. The kingdom of God is not a place, a thing, a concept, a philosophy, a spiritual force, or a state of being. The kingdom of God is a person.
  3. We tell our children if they work hard and play by the rules, they’ll succeed in life. Jerks, cheaters, and thieves won’t. They’ll end up in the gutter. Or jail. Or worse.
  4. The love of God in Jesus is our confidence when the world seems to teeter on the brink of self-destruction.
  5. Attacked by sin, robbed by Satan, lacerated by death—there we lay, unable to help ourselves. Yet He helps us who can never help ourselves.
  6. It’s a miracle anyone believes the Gospel. It goes against everything else we believe in.
  7. No, when the Lord is ready for battle, of all creatures, he commissions Mary’s little lamb.
  8. That man you see on the tree—he is the re-Genesis of the world. He has come to remake us alive and free and beautiful on the Friday of his crucifixion.
  9. Cindy’s tragedy was that she was blind to the Christ from whom all her good gifts came.
  10. We are like the spoiled children of kings who spit in the face of paupers on the street. We have been given so much, yet we treasure so little.
  11. There has only been one baptism in the history of the world: the baptism of Jesus. “One Lord, one faith, one baptism.”
  12. Whether she realized it or not, this Egyptian woman was at war with the Lord of Israel. Her will was pitted against His will. Her desires were battling God’s desires. Joseph was caught in the crossfire.

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