The Law (67)
  1. Jesus is very difficult to bring down. That’s the power of it.
  2. Instead of a “how-to” manual, the Bible is a “what-you-didn’t-do” story.
  3. The one who delights in the law of the Lord learns to fear his own good works and trust God outside of them.
  4. When the Law is viewed in its true light, when its "glory" is revealed, it is found to do nothing more than to kill man and sink him into condemnation.
  5. God’s design in the Law is to enable man to know himself; to perceive the false and unjustified state of his heart; to discover how far he is from God and to disdain his own goodness.
  6. Aquinas would craft a systematic theology that did with the matter of faith what Aristotle had done with the natural world.
  7. Our certainty is of Christ, that mighty hero who overcame the Law, sin, death, and all evils.
  8. There is one verse in the Bible that talks about tattoos. In this article, Chad Bird explores the original Hebrew of that verse to see what light it sheds, looks at the verse in context, and discusses what application--if any--this verse has for Christians today.
  9. While these are familiar words to us, frequently they are dealt with in ways that fail to take into account the context and the situation.
  10. When we stop looking to Christ in faith, we are walking in sin. Anything (including our supposed law-keeping) that does not proceed from faith is sin.
  11. Different groups within Christianity disagree as to whether Jesus should be depicted in icons, crucifixes, paintings, or other visual media. In this article, Chad Bird approaches the question from the angle of both the commandments and the incarnation.
  12. The season of Lent gives almost unparalleled opportunity for preachers to placard before their auditors the Cross of Christ and beckon Christians to take up their cross and follow Him.

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