Two Kingdoms (6)
  1. No, not that one . . . this is the other "s" word that no one wants to hear: submit.
  2. Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and unto God what is God's. But hold on . . . what about "Give to my neighbor what is my neighbor's"?
  3. So, there's a question we should ask: What can we rightly expect from our government?
  4. Here's the king, but where's his crown? Craig and Troy discuss the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
  5. Orgies and drunkenness and licentiousness, oh my! Sometimes Christians get hung up on the really “big” sins, but Paul lists quarreling and jealousy right there with them. What’s the connection? Craig and Troy discuss how love does no wrong to a neighbor, for love is the fulfillment of the law.
  6. “Vengeance is mine!” says the Lord. God has established governing authorities to punish the wrongdoer. How do we understand our role as Christians and our role as citizens? Craig and Troy wade into this topic and wrestle with God’s Word and difficult realities.