Work of Christ (6)
  1. What does Jesus mean that we should be perfect, as Jesus is perfect? Gretchen Ronnevik and Katie Koplin look at the context of the Sermon on the Mount, in Matthew 5 where this passage is found.
  2. Katie Koplin and Gretchen Ronnevik talk about what it means to grow in Christlikeness.
  3. After chatting a bit about the names of their houses, and life in general, Gretchen Ronnevik and Katie Koplin jump back in to the Heidelberg Disputation of 1518, and how it is such a great foundation for Biblical counseling.
  4. We continue on the 2nd article of the Apostle's Creed, we talk about how Jesus was from eternity--from before in incarnation.
  5. Daughters of the King
  6. The goal of language in the mouth of a Christian isn’t to hold power for ourselves but to give it.