In response to the Lord's undeserved love, Manasseh looked to him as the true God.
God’s people get the warm feast of victory, while God’s meal is prepared cold.
How intentional will we be about utilizing gospel spaces that already inescapably communicate?

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Mordor’s bleak existence and the successful salvific mission of Frodo and Samwise is what makes Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings such a psychologically enjoyable epic.
Only a god could be wise. We are seekers, lovers of divine wisdom, but it is forever beyond our grasp due to human limitation.
We are all sojourners in a perilous cosmos, what is sometimes conceptualized as the theology of the pilgrim.
Conflict demands resolution, tension demands a balancing act in the face of uncertainties.
As the devil awakens after a long slumber, recovering from the resurrection event, he finds his shackles loosened and the glorious screams of torment throughout his dark empire
Standing before Jesus is one of the cultural groups that the Lord sought fit to eradicate for their wickedness to preserve the line that would eventually birth Jesus.
There is something odd about the definition of God as a being that than which nothing greater can be conceived.
Can the chain of cause and effect extend infinitely?
Today I had one such reflection session with the Old Testament reading, Numbers 21:4-9. The narrative involves Moses, divine herpetology, and healing. My reflections are twofold.
We tend to think about apologetics as an academic enterprise, as something that requires formal training.
I’ve always been taken aback by how much apologetic ink is spilled over understanding Genesis in the light of contemporary science, usually evolutionary biology.
The 21st century is simply not compatible with a reformational mindset. Daniel Dennett argues in Darwin’s Dangerous Idea (1995) that conservative Christians better serve their secular neighbors as specimens in a cultural zoo, relics of a bygone world.