Preaching (1812)
  1. Jesus leaves us hanging. Does the tree improve? Does the owner of the vineyard even grant the vinedresser another year? Or does the tree finally get the ax?
  2. The promise is rooted in the fact that the only way we can endure any ounce of suffering in this life is because Jesus Christ.
  3. The question is: Who is the watchman? By whose blood are we accounted for as righteous before God?
  4. In this episode of The Thinking Fellows, the hosts take on a challenging question: Are Christians hypocritical when it comes to sexual sins?
  5. No Bible passage is so clear that we cannot twist it to conform our own presuppositions and prejudices. We do this because we fear the implications of what the text says.
  6. Nothing is sweeter or more nourishing than Jesus Christ, the fulfilled promise of God for us.
  7. This is a word of comfort, because it assures us that even when our words fail, our heart can rest secure, and even when our heart doubts, we can still speak the simplest three-word creed: Jesus is Lord.
  8. Lent begins this Sunday. Changes in the liturgical seasons offer preachers a good opportunity to address the Christian life from a higher elevation.

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