David Schmitt

116 Results

Gospel: Matthew 5:13-20 (Epiphany 5: Series A)

God has the power to take that which is small, that which is overlooked, that which is despised, and use it to create something wonderful.

Gospel: Matthew 24:36-44 (Advent 1: Series A)

He cuts into our darkness with words that work like a knife. They awaken us from our routine to a sliver of light. Jesus reigns and He will return.

Gospel: Luke 23:27-43 (The Last Sunday of the Church Year: Series C)

As the church year ends, we are not give a vision of Jesus on His throne, ruling over a new creation. Instead, we see Jesus ruling from the cross. His grace comes in the midst of suffering and pain.

Gospel: Luke 9:28-36 (Transfiguration: Series C)

This glory, once found, is not to be extracted from this world. Rather, God comes in glory to impart glory to the world.

Gospel: Luke 6:27-38 (Epiphany 7: Series C)

At the close of what we see as impossible commands, Jesus leaves His disciples with a picture of God’s impossible love made possible in Him.

Gospel: Luke 6:17-26 (Epiphany 6: Series C)

The words of Jesus are hard words for us to hear today, especially in America. They call us to question our lifestyle choices, to turn from our pursuit of happiness, and to experience the gift of grace.


Craft of Preaching Workshop - 2024 Las Vegas, NV

A multi-day workshop for pastors to hone the Craft of Preaching

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