We now are the magi: we worship Christ because of who he is, but also because of what he has done for us and what he continues to do in his gift-giving to us.
Epiphany continues the work done at Christmas, bringing light and life to a dying world desperate for hope.
The “Chalking of the Door” is a way to celebrate and literally mark the occasion of the Epiphany and God’s blessing of our lives and home.

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Neither attentive note-taking, nor appreciative head-nods, nor even sympathetic tears satisfy the purpose of preaching. Only lives that are changed by the Word working in the hearts of God’s people can do that.
Peterson would have us see each sermon embedded in the community of the faithful. No sermon stands alone because its context is not merely the liturgy, much less an online livestream, but the life together of God’s people.
Clarity enables mobility. When preachers make the message clear, the people of God are freed-up to follow Jesus.
Strategic silence is a sanctified stall tactic which benefits both the preacher and the pew-sitter. It is not just dead air.
We entered the hospital with a jumbled ball of questions, uncertainties, and anxieties. We left with a master class in effective communication.
The message of the gospel is a multifaceted diamond. Parallelism in preaching helps you to bring out the beauty of those different facets.
Preaching which eschews the harping harangues of legalistic schoolmarms in favor of the Savior’s undeserved favor reflects the holy hilarity of the Gospel.
In Haidt’s findings, we have plenty to learn as preachers who are proclaiming God’s Word to His Body in its varied composition of reds, blues, and other hues.
Those first few words from the preacher’s mouth are worth their weight in spun gold.
The conference ministry tent is typically regarded as a spot to make connections, kill time, or scrounge empty calories. What I found out is how the ministry tent is an unexpected gold mine for Gospel proclamation.
The pocket notebook is an indispensable tool for the working preacher, because more often than not our great homiletical insights come to us, unexpectedly and extra nos, like grace.
We do not typically give much thought to the title at all, missing a chance to create greater anticipation for the preaching of the Word before it has even begun.