Ryan Tinetti

52 Results

The Preacher's Toolbox: Embracing Your Tortoise: Prayer and Planning Days

Time devoted to planning, to say nothing of prayer, pays-off in the long run many times over. If ever there was a vocation that need not be in a hurry, it is the cure of souls.

The Preacher's Toolbox: When the Sermon Flops

Regardless of why they happen, sermon flops do happen to all of us. So, what should you do next?

The Preacher's Toolbox:Words Fitly Spoken—Augustine on Style

Augustine makes plain that the overarching aim of style is not to be showy; it’s to be an instrument of Spirit-led persuasion.

Against Homiletical Docetism: A Brief Case for Rhetoric

In the final analysis it isn’t a matter of whether you use rhetoric, but how. Inasmuch as your preaching is still public speaking...you’re going to get rhetorical.

Sermons from the “Sweet Singer”: Franzmann on Preaching

When God’s strong Word is wedded to beautiful human words it makes for a potent one-two punch that fells the Devil and raises the saints.

The Preacher's Toolbox: Preach Till You Drop

What all variations of affable chatter share in common is that the preacher does not do justice to the most salient fact about him and his hearers: They are dead men walking.

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