Apart from the confession that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ of God who suffered and died for the forgiveness of sins and rose again to justify the ungodly, there is no Christian faith.
We are called to believe in the church even when we don’t believe in the church.
The great lie of addiction is that suffering must be fled, must be numbed, must be drowned out by any means necessary.

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Are you looking for rest? Is your heart cluttered? Are you searching for comfort? Just look at the King-sized bed.
The central message of Christianity is not a worldview, a way of life, or a program for personal or societal change; it is a person and the message of the cross.
There is a bit of Narcissus in all of us. We are all lost within ourselves.
Show me your righteousness, we can only point to Jesus
Today I would like to share The Legend of the Dogwood, inspired by the words of Stoney Cooper.
Lord, today we remember...