Reading Time: 2 mins

The Mother's Freedom To Love

Reading Time: 2 mins

You are free to love your children without any expectations because you have been loved immeasurably.

You are free to love your children without any expectations because you have been loved immeasurably. You have a Heavenly Father who rejoices over you with singing, calls you His beloved, whose pet name for you is "my delight is in her." Your Father loves you this way because He sees you as He sees His most precious Son. The One who came to live the life we are called to live, to love the way we are called to love, and to pay the price for all the sins we have committed. So now you don't need to expect anything from your kids or husband on Mother's Day. You already have the greatest gift. The most amazing expression of heart felt adoration is yours. The God of the universe has placed His love specifically on you, and His love cost him dearly.

You can love your children without regret or guilt. You have been forgiven for all the times you have failed your children. You have been forgiven for the times when you ignored, lied to, manipulated, or were angry or selfish with the children in your home. You are forgiven for the abortion. You are completely clean before your Maker.

You can love your children that have gone on to be with the Lord. He cares gently and deeply for you in the loss of your sons and daughters. He understands the pain of losing a precious child.

You can love your children if you are a single mom, who feels like she just can’t do it another day. Your Heavenly Husband carries you close to His heart. His thoughts towards you are continual. His love for you is unending. In your weakness He will be strong.

You can love your children without feeling the need to save them. Rest in the knowledge that you cannot save your children. You are not strong enough to save them, you can't say the right words, or be consistent enough, or use the right methods. Only One is powerful enough to save. He was powerful enough to save your soul, entrust your children's souls to His nail scarred hands.

You can love your children without needing them to build your identity. You can be free to stop using them and their goodness to make you feel like a good mom. You can stop using their athletic ability, their musical talents, or their academic achievements to cover your flaws as a mom. You are a flawed, sinful mother, but you have been given a new identity in Christ. He has taken the old, worn out wardrobe of your children's accomplishments and has clothed you in the righteousness of Christ.

Most importantly you are free to love your God whose love for you is without bounds. There is no height, no depth, no length, no width to His affection for you. You can love Him because He first loved you. You can love Him because He has freely taken all of the guilt and the regrets and has thrown them into the depths of the sea. You can love him because he walked through all the pain and rejection that you walk through as a mother. He not only understands, but he symphathisizes and is praying for you. He is with you and will never leave you. Because of His unfailing love, you are free to love.