In response to the Lord's undeserved love, Manasseh looked to him as the true God.
God’s people get the warm feast of victory, while God’s meal is prepared cold.
How intentional will we be about utilizing gospel spaces that already inescapably communicate?

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Should we have more victories over our sin? Probably. But can we be honest and admit that we don't have as many as we'd like?
Squander. What a great word. It so perfectly captures the pitfalls of backsliding in all areas of life. It's the utter self-ruination of good things.
I wish I was better at seeing the bigger picture. Or maybe, I wish I was simply better at seeing the larger scope of its beauty.
This is the God of the Holy Scriptures. He is the one who repeatedly saves, always preserving his people by providing rescue in situation after situation...
My past, littered about this tiny island, resurrects itself when I draw near, but it never does so alone. It is always accompanied by the Savior.
Sometimes, the bible bores me. Sometimes, I take scripture, grace, and Jesus lightly.
All I need to know about your spiritual condition, I can discover by watching you drive your car. What I’ve learned is that everyone is a lawbreaker, including me. It’s as simple as asking a few short questions about your driving habits...
How many of you Christians out there are barely holding it together? I know the inclination should be towards joy and hope, but for some of us, it's not.
I got your life application right here! First off, Happy New Year! It's 2019 and there's a sense of optimism floating about in the air.
I apologize for my part in making Christmas necessary. I have learned that Christ is NOT the reason for the season, I am.
I’m a life-long New Yorker, and I have the pleasure of working minutes from the neighborhood I grew up in as a boy.
I think we can all agree that there is not a more popular writer on Christ Hold Fast than Chad Bird.