God reminded me that it's not my job to logic and argue people into heaven, even when those people are my children.
The gospel is best understood in terms of those two most important words: for you.
Epiphany is one of the most important festivals of the church year, although often sadly overlooked.

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The Lord’s Gospel will attract all the nations to His holy mountain, and people from the ends of the earth will sojourn to the city to bear witness to God’s great work of salvation.
The question remains, how do we get connected to this Isaianic Servant? How do we get into a relationship with Him so our perspectives and lives might be changed? We want to see God rightly, so where do we look?
The whole Old Testament leans with this unanswered and open-ended question at the end: Is he here yet?
Christmas is a season of irony and song that helps us to know the sacred past and the truth of the Gospel of our salvation.
Hains offers a novel yet simple contention: Luther is most catholic where he is boldest.
The lesson of Malachi reveals God’s love for his people. When the people ask for proof of God’s love, he reminds them of their election.
A sign was given to Ahaz to point him toward the greater sign given in a manger and that Bethlehem’s Messiah is the sign we look forward to seeing in the sky when Jesus, our Emmanuel, comes again.
We will not become hopeless because the Lord is with us.
The more awareness we have that we are weak and low and frail and incapable of doing this thing called life, the more perfectly we are positioned to meet the God of grace.
When the church is a political actor, the gospel doesn’t have the final word.
Christ the King’s return will show us what we can only imagine. He will be a king and His a kingdom will be unlike any we have known.
The Church stands firm on the word of promise that Christ will one day return to change what we know by faith into sight.