Wade Johnston

363 Results


Episode 313: Sacramental Revival

In episode THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN, Mike, Jason, and Wade discuss the


Episode 312: Formalism (Ritualism)

In episode THREE HUNDRED AND TWELVE, Mike, Jason, and Wade discuss the


Episode 311: Routine and Contemplation

In episode THREE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN, Jason and Wade build on the previous


Like a Mother Hen

Lent isn't simply a season. It's the Christian life in microcosm.

Singing with Simeon

Christians don’t need a bucket list. We’ve got the whole bucket: the Word fulfilled, life fulfilled, and life in full.

Love and Freedom with the Saints

The wrong god means love remains frail, fickle, or a fiction. The right God means love is the most reliable thing in all the world.

An Uncompromising Gospel: Lutheranism's First Identity Crisis and Lessons for Today


Let the Bird Fly: Life in a World Given Back to Us


A Path Strewn With Sinners: A Devotional Study of Mark's Gospel and His Race to the Cross


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