The sinful nature loves self, and pride is its native tongue.
This article is part of Stephen Paulson’s series on the Psalms.
John inspired me to see each sermon as an apologetic opportunity.

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Our value and our values, our life, our everything is from Jesus Christ given to us as a gift.
God is consistently rooting us in reality—both what is seen and unseen—because that is where he is.
Take heart: God is near and he is here for you.
At the heart of The Idiot is Dostoevsky's confession of faith and the confession of all Christians.
Cyril’s fervor for pure explication of the gospel was present throughout his career.
Finding the balance between indifferentism and obsessiveness has never been easy, and it’s especially difficult in our environment.
Vilification of the other is married to the justification of the self.
The spirit indeed is willing and desires bodily death as a gentle sleep. It does not consider it to be death; it knows no such thing as death.
History is the painful realization that we aren’t the ones who can save the world but, rather, we’re the ones who get saved.
In Jesus, the most totalizing summary of the law becomes the gospel of the one made perfect through obedience.
In the place of God, Marx sets the material, autonomous, self-creating man.
Neomonasticism—that is, the idea that church work is more important than regular work—implies that God cares more about the spiritual than the physical.